Bodega Murga

Country of Origin: Peru
Location: Pisco Valley, Ica
People: Alberto di Laura & Arturo Inga, Managing partners | Pietra Possamai, Winemaker


Bodega Murga 2020 'Joyas de Murga' Alejandria (Moscatel), Valle de Pisco Login DCH 92 In Stock
Bodega Murga 2020 'Joyas de Murga' Italia (Moscatel), Valle de Pisco Login In Stock

Bodega Murga was started in 2014 by Alberto Di Laura, a reknowned pisco distiller known as 'El Caballero de Pisco', and Arturo Inga, sommelier and official taster of Pisco. They started the project to make artisan piscos and planted several Pisco-approved varietals, including Albilla, Italia, Alejandria, Negra Criolla, and Quebranta. They distilled their first piscos in 2017 and quickly decided to make wine as well. They brought on Brazilian winemaker Pietra Possamai, who, though young, has several vintages under her belt and whose energy and creativity, together with her vast professional experience, translate into the fun complexity of Murga's wines. 

The vineyards and the winery are located in the very heart of the Pisco Valley, in the Humay district, about 25 kilometers from the sea. This valley has foothills to the north, and to the south some dunes with beautiful oases. At the height of Murga, the valley is 4 kilometers wide. The Pisco River crosses this valley, starting at the height of Huaytara, and flows into the sea. This same river bathes the north side of the project fields. The soils of the valley nearby are sandy loam, with a noticeable presence of medium and small stones. 

The pre-Hispanic inhabitants of the area began to call the entire valley Pisco because of the abundance and variety of birds that can still be seen today. Later, with the arrival of the Spanish, the valley was considered one of the best locations to establish a capital. This area, known as Old Lima, is very close to the Murga. During those first years of the colony, the cultivation of vines and olive trees began. 

In 1890 the Bellido family acquired this property and took over the ranch; a task that has been maintained, uninterrupted, decade after decade, passing from generation to generation, until today. 

Historically, the Spanish settlers planted vines in the Canary Islands in the “Hoyas” style, those moon-like craters in the ground with small stone walls around them. This protects grapes from whipping wind damage. Vines were planted similarly here in the desert and over the years morphed into ‘Hoyas de Murga' and eventually ‘Joyas (jewels) de Murga,’ a name that was taken as a brand for the wines. 

Arturo Inga said “Our [goal] is to offer wines and piscos, without chemicals - in the field and in the winery- respecting tradition, and at the same time, using the best quality materials in their production.” With this goal, there are no pesticides or herbicides used in the vineyards. Additionally, they do not use plastic tanks, but stainless steel, while the stills are made of high-purity electrolytic copper. Likewise, for the wine process, in addition to using stainless steel tanks, they use concrete eggs, terracotta amphoras and oak barrels free of toxic elements in their composition.


  • Murga 2020 'Joyas de Murga' Alejandria (Moscatel), Valle de Pisco
    Rating: 92 (5/17/2023)

    Entirely made with the Italia grape variety, as Moscatel de Alejandría is known in Peru, this comes from 15-year-old vineyard planted on sandy soils in Pisco, about 30 kilometers from the sea. Vinified in stainless steel tanks with native yeasts (with maceration time on its skins) and aged in concrete eggs, this is a serious Moscatel, with deep flavors, floral notes, and herbal tones. Intense in all its aspects, the acidity is firm and sharp, and the texture is ample and rice in volume. Save a bottle to open in 10 years.