Mersel 2021 Piquette, Lebanon

Mersel 2021 Piquette, Lebanon

Item Number: 17581

UPC: 5-287001628050

Country: Lebanon
Region: Lebanon
Sub Region: Lebanon
Appellation/AVA: Lebanon
Estate Grown Wine: No
Vintage: 2021
Grape(s): 40% Muscat / 30% Sauvignon Blanc / 30% Merwah
Type: Wine - Sparkling
Bottle Size: 750 ml
Pack: 12
Closure: Crown Cap
Alc by Vol(%): 9.5
pH: 3.5
Viticulture: Practicing Organic
Elevation: 1,200-1,700 meters

Piquette is a fun, low alcohol drink to be enjoyed chilled. It sort of tastes between a wine and a beer. It is made by adding water to fermented grape pomace. Then Mersel adds some organic honey from their beehives to referment the juice. It is then bottled with no added SO2.

Grape Sources:

  • Deir El Ahmar, Bekaa Valley (1,200m) - Muscat vines, 7 years old
  • Ainata, Bekaa Valley (1,700m) - Sauvignon Blanc vines, 12 years old
  • Dimane, Qannboubine Valley (1,600m) – Indigenous Merwah vines, over 150 years old

Fun Fact: Eddie Chami learned to make piquette from piquette guru Todd Cavallo of Wild Arc. In exchange, Eddie taught Todd how to make Arak.