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::whispers:: “I see fed people.”

Way less scary than the next sense down the line, umami is the fifth sense of taste, a Japanese word that refers to the mysterious savory quality found in certain food and beverage. Perceived through the brain’s reception of glutamates, this sense can be picked up all over the tongue, by all tastebuds, and doesn’t necessarily correspond to that ersatz map of “sweet here, sour there” we grew up with as schoolchildren - rather, umami transcends and enhances these other flavors, making them a little more live, a little less Memorex.

In the simplest sense, umami really does make good things taste truly delicious, and fortunately for us humans it’s found in a wide array of foods, from tomatoes to Parmigiano to beef. Finding umami in beverages, however, proves a bit more challenging. While not necessarily a fleeting “unicorn” quality in wine, there is a really magical moment that happens when tasting something special, after the rigorous technical analysis, that becomes all about pleasure. One pauses: “what’s that lingering sensation that makes me immediately want another sip? What about this beverage makes me want to reach for a bite to eat?” Often, it’s that friendly ghost of the flavor spectrum, our dear fifth sense, umami.

At Cream, we’re umami freaks, and fortunate to have a portfolio where this delightful quality is represented from all corners of the globe: premium sake from Japan, an unparalleled sherry selection including some very special VORS, lees-y and compelling grower Champagne, and wild and savory natural wines. Have a little fun with your Cream rep this spring. Throw down the gauntlet, issue the challenge: bring umami! We promise we’ll be smiling, alllllll the way to flavor country.

written by Erin Drain

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